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waddap, this time i want to review my adventure to gede pangrango mountain

Gede-Pangrango Mountain is the most favorable mountain by hikers in Indonesia.

its located in Cianjur, Sukabumi West Java, Indonesia. its located in the volcano complex in the east, south and northwest, respectively, along with suburban growth. this mountain is located nearly in two big cities, Jakarta and Bandung.

I hike from Jakarta. because my home in there. Im hiking with my uncle. first, we are going to bus station and take some seat on the bus. this bus will guide us to Cianjur, Sukabumi, West Java. it has taken 6 hours time from Jakarta to Cianjur. After that we had taken some rest. and we were walking to the registration shelter. If you want to hike this mountain you have to register at the shelter. They ask to show us our identity card and we had to pay some administration bills
Bus Station
After that, we are absolute to hike. We were hiking from Cibodas way. this way is nearly Cianjur. Journey starts Begin!!!
stepping stone way

First, we have to walk in a stepping way made of stone. Crossing a tropical forest is really awesome. we heard sounds like many birds and monkey. After we walk 1.5 km far away, there is a lake with altitude 1.500 mdpl and called Telaga biru. This colour of the lake can be changed in many ways, because of those algae growth in the lake.

Telaga Biru Lake

After crossing a wooden bridge we are arriving at Rawa Gayang Agung Shelter. we are walking 1 km to reach the next way. And the way come back to a stepping stone way to Panyancangan Kuda Shelter. There is a house in this shelter to protect us from wind and rain. In this location there is a junction. the right way is going to Ciberem Waterfall, if you want to reach the peak go straight away.
Panyacangan Kuda Shelter

A Junction
After the junction, the way to the peak is uphill, walking in the stepping stone way. the sound of the waterfall can be heard along the way. and then we must walking to another shelter, this way is more natural than before. and we arrive in the Pondok Pemandangan Shelter. And then we must keep walking to reach the hot waterfalls.

We are arriving at hot waterfalls. This road is very dangerous because we are really crossing it and when we are walking the right side is a cliff and the left side is hot waterfalls. there is a rope that we had to be used. we are walking alternately. and the temperature is 70 degrees Celsius (OMG). we must be careful. The stone in there, are really hot if we touched it. After we cross the hot Waterfalls we can take some rest. And u can soak your foot and I really enjoyed it.
After that we are walking to the river Kandang Batu Shelter. this water is really warm. So if you are feeling cold u can take a bath in here, but don't use any chemical materials like toothpaste, soap, etc.

And we have to keep walking in a way until we found a river again. and we meet some empty area, this area is often to opened a tent. and we keep walking until we met a big uphill. our hands are kept in a rope while we are hiking it. woah its absolutely scared.
Kandang Batu Shelter

 A Big uphill

Approaching Kandang Badak Shelter we met a waterfall, and its beautiful. we are keeping walking to Kandang Badak Shelter. Kandang Badak Shelter is known as a final Shelter in there. Usually hikers open a tent in here and taking some rest an hour. the time shows 12 pm, means it midnight. So we are discussion to open a tent.

now the tent was open, we are taking some rest, we cook some supplies and eat them all.
Kandang Badak Shelter

The watch shows 4 am. and the hikers wake up to prepare some supplies that bring it to the peak. We are waking up too, and tidy up our tent. We are following some hikers to the peak. time to reached the peak is about 3 hours from the Kandang Badak Shelter. And the way is absolutely soil, we have to walk in carefully.

A way to the peak

After that we are arriving at Mountain Gede peak, and that sunrise is awesome

Sunrise at Gede Mountain

*im sorry if my english so bad, im just trying my best but i learned it everyday
